Data protection

Data we store

You may be asked by the website to provide personal data about yourself.  This data is collected when:

  • you create an account
  • you place an order on the site
  • you contact Customer Service
  • you browse on our site
  • you fill out a form
  • you ask to be informed about the availability of a product

Personal data use

The gathered data is intended for Laboratoire Microequilibre.  It is necessarily for managing your orders and all commercial relations between Laboratoire Microequilibre and yourself.  The data we collect makes it possible to establish statistics concerning frequency and use of the contents of our site so we can adapt these contents to your navigation.

Data retention period

Customer data is kept throughout the duration of our business relationship.  It can be kept for commercial prospection up to 3 years starting from the end of this business relationship.

In accordance with Article L123-22 of the French Commercial Code, data pertaining to managing orders, deliveries, billing and accounting (accounting documents and supporting documents) are to be kept for ten years.

Information stored in the user terminal (example: cookies) is not kept beyond 6 months.

In accordance with article 6-5° of the amended law n°78-17, subscribers to the newsletter are kept until the person concerned is unsubscribed.

In accordance with the June 19 2003 Decision n° 03-034 dealing with storing and using bank or credit card details in the sector of distance selling, no bank card number can be kept by Laboratoire Microequilibre. Similarly, in accordance with Recommandation n°03-034, bank card cryptograms cannot be stored.


Microequilibre uses cookies to enhance the browsing experience and to provide you with the following additional features:

  • log-in identification so you can access your customer account
  • keeping items saved in your shopping cart when you place an order
  • compiling statistics and volumes on frequency of visits and the use of different sections of our website. 

In order to facilitate the sharing of information on social networks, Microequilibre uses third-party cookies on blog posts. For more information: AddThis privacy policy. To view videos, VIDEOS page uses third-party cookies. For more information: VIMEO privacy policy. On the cookie banner, by clicking the button "OK", you grant Microequilibre the right to save a few small data blocks on your computer. For more information about cookies and localStorage, visit the website of the National Commission for Data Protection: CNIL.

To disable all cookies in your browser, click on the link related to your browser and follow the instructions: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari.

Personal data protection

Laboratoirs Microequilibre takes the security of your personal data very seriously.  SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology is used to secure transmission of data:  it encrypts and protects the data transmitted using HTTPS protocol.  SSL guarantees your data will not be intercepted fraudulently.   

Exercizing access rights

In accordance with Article 34 of the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, contact Microequilibre, 37b rue Albert Einstein 543200 Maxeville, France.

For more information on the Data Protection Act, you can consult the CNIL website online.


In accordance with the January 6 1978 law n 78-17, related to data processing, files and liberties, this site has been declared to the CNIL and registerd under the number 1799702.